A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
dr. ir. R. Wolbertus (Rick)
Associate lector Smart Energy SystemsRick Wolbertus werkt als Associate lector Smart Energy Systems binnen het lectoraat Energie & Innovatie. Daar houdt hij zich bezig met projecten over de energietransitie en de integratie van nieuwe energiesystemen in het elektriciteitsnet. Als onderdeel daarvan is hij in 2020 gepromoveerd op laadinfrastructuur voor elektrische auto’s.
In zijn onderzoek ligt de focus op slimme algoritmes toegepast in de praktijk en het vertalen van keuzes hierin naar beleid. Naast zijn werk als onderzoeker geeft hij les over energiesystemen in stedelijke systemen.
Rick heeft zijn opleiding Innovation Sciences afgerond aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Daar deed hij onder andere onderzoek naar berichtgeving omtrent alternatieve brandstoffen en de effecten van het unitaire octrooi op het innovatieve MKB in Nederland. In 2014 en 2015 heeft Rick gewerkt als Consultant Innovatie subsidies.
Increasing hosting capacity of low-voltage distribution network using smart charging based on local and dynamic capacity limits
Cañigueral, M., Wolbertus, R., & Meléndez, J. (2025). Increasing hosting capacity of low-voltage distribution network using smart charging based on local and dynamic capacity limits. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2025.101626
Data as driver
Wolbertus, R., Heller, R., van der Koogh, M., Heath, E., Warmerdam, J., Schaacke, R., Onstein, S., Helmus, J., & Blankwater, E. (Ed.) (2024). Data as driver: the road to future-proof charging infrastructure. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Faculteit Techniek.
Identifying factors that influence electric vehicle charging station performance in expanding networks
Wolbertus, R. (2024). Identifying factors that influence electric vehicle charging station performance in expanding networks. PLoS ONE , 19(4), Article e0302132. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0302132
Data als driver
Wolbertus, R., Heller, R., van der Koogh, M., Heath, E., Warmerdam, J., Schaacke, R., Onstein, S., Helmus, J., & Blankwater, E. (Ed.) (2024). Data als driver: de weg naar een volwassen laadinfrastructuur. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Faculteit Techniek.
Optimal Sizing of a Battery-Supported Electric Vehicle Charging Hub with a Limited-Capacity Grid Connection
Heath, E., Wolbertus, R., & Heller, R. (2024). Optimal Sizing of a Battery-Supported Electric Vehicle Charging Hub with a Limited-Capacity Grid Connection. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 15(4), Article 133. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj15040133
Cooperative behaviour at public electric vehicle charging stations
Helmus, J. R., & Wolbertus, R. (2023). Cooperative behaviour at public electric vehicle charging stations. Travel Behaviour and Society, 32, 1-12. Article 100572. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100572
Battery Supported Electric Vehicle Charging Plaza Using a Limited Capacity Grid Connection
Heath, E., Wolbertus, R., & Heller, R. (2023). Battery Supported Electric Vehicle Charging Plaza Using a Limited Capacity Grid Connection. 1-12. Paper presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 36 , Sacramento, United States. https://evs36.com/final-papers/?search_query=Battery+supplemented+EV+charging+plaza+for+a+limited+capacity+grid+connection
Factsheet Laadpaalkleven
Wolbertus, R. (2023). Factsheet Laadpaalkleven. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Charging after Lockdown: The Aftermath of COVID-19 Policies on Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviour in The Netherlands
van der Koogh, M., Wolbertus, R., & Heller, R. (2023). Charging after Lockdown: The Aftermath of COVID-19 Policies on Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviour in The Netherlands. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 14(3), Article 67. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj14030067
Flexpower3: Significant increase in grid hosting capacity without comfort loss, by smart charging based on clustering and non-firm capacity
Zweistra, M. J., Geerts, F., van den Akker, W. F., & Wolbertus, R. (2022). Flexpower3: Significant increase in grid hosting capacity without comfort loss, by smart charging based on clustering and non-firm capacity. 1-10. Paper presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 35, Oslo, Norway.
Impact of battery developments on the future of charging infrastructure deployment
Wolbertus, R., Heath, E., & Heller, R. (2022). Impact of battery developments on the future of charging infrastructure deployment. Paper presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 35, Oslo, Norway.
The long-term effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns on electric vehicle charging behaviour
van der Koogh, M., Wolbertus, R., & Heller, R. (2022). The long-term effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns on electric vehicle charging behaviour. 1-12. Paper presented at 35th Edition International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Oslo, Norway.
Groen, M., Hoogvliet, T., Niesing, H., Wolbertus, R., van Zalingen, W., & Zweistra, M. (2022). Flexpower3: meer laden op een vol elektriciteitsnet. Flexpower.
Benchmark Prijstransparantie
Wolbertus, R., Looijestijn, P., Hachmang, M., & Langereis, A. (2021). Benchmark Prijstransparantie: [definitief juni 2021]. Nationaal Kennisplatform Laadinfrastructuur. https://www.nklnederland.nl/nieuws/prijstransparantie-publiek-laden-op-de-goede-weg/
Charging infrastructure roll-out strategies for large scale introduction of electric vehicles in urban areas
Wolbertus, R., van den Hoed, R., Kroesen, M., & Chorus, C. (2021). Charging infrastructure roll-out strategies for large scale introduction of electric vehicles in urban areas: an agent-based simulation study. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 148, 262-285.
Benchmark prijstransparantie: Onderzoeksmethode
Wolbertus, R., Looijestijn, P., Hachmang, M., & Langereis, A. (2021). Benchmark prijstransparantie: Onderzoeksmethode: Concept tbv consultatie, januari 2021.
Fast Charging Systems for Passenger Electric Vehicles
Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2020). Fast Charging Systems for Passenger Electric Vehicles. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 11(4), Article 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj11040073
Guest editor: Special Issue "Fast Charging System for Electric Vehicles"
Wolbertus, R. (2020). Guest editor: Special Issue "Fast Charging System for Electric Vehicles". World Electric Vehicle Journal. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/wevj/special_issues/Fast_charging_EV
Stakeholders’ perspectives on future electric vehicle charging infrastructure developments
Wolbertus, R., Jansen, S., & Kroesen, M. (2020). Stakeholders’ perspectives on future electric vehicle charging infrastructure developments. Futures, 123, Article 102610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2020.102610
Analyse potentiële snellaadlocaties Den Haag
Wolbertus, R. (2020). Analyse potentiële snellaadlocaties Den Haag.
How do EV drivers adapt their charging behavior to battery size and charging capabilities?
Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2020). How do EV drivers adapt their charging behavior to battery size and charging capabilities? a systematic datadriven analysis. Paper presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 33, Oregon, Ohio, United States.
Cross-border charging: The necessity of price transparency in EU
Wolbertus, R., & van den Eijnden, L. (2020). Cross-border charging: The necessity of price transparency in EU. NKL Nederland. https://www.nklnederland.com/news/overview-price-transparency-in-eu/
Simulaad Project: Nationaal Laadprofiel Elektrisch Vervoer
Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2020). Simulaad Project: Nationaal Laadprofiel Elektrisch Vervoer. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Evaluating Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policies
Wolbertus, R. (2020). Evaluating Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policies. [Research HvA, graduation external, TU Delft]. TRAIL.
Laadprofielen oplaadinfrastructuur STEDIN gebied
Wolbertus, R. (2020). Laadprofielen oplaadinfrastructuur STEDIN gebied. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Plug-in (Hybrid) Electric Vehicle Adoption in the Netherlands: Lessons Learned
Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2020). Plug-in (Hybrid) Electric Vehicle Adoption in the Netherlands: Lessons Learned. In M. Contestabile, G. Tal, & T. Turrentine (Eds.), Who’s Driving Electric Cars: Understanding Consumer Adoption and Use of Plug-in Electric Cars (pp. 121-143). (Lecture Notes in Mobility). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-38382-4_7
van den Hoed, R., Maase, S., Helmus, J., Wolbertus, R., el Bouhassani, Y., Dam, J., Tamis, M., & Jablonska, B. (2019). E-mobility: getting smart with data. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Needs in Cities and along Corridors
Wolbertus, R., & Van den Hoed, R. (2019). Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Needs in Cities and along Corridors. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 10(2), Article 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj10020045
Expanding charging infrastructure for large scale introduction of electric vehicles
Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2019). Expanding charging infrastructure for large scale introduction of electric vehicles. 1-15. Paper presented at 32nd International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Lyon, France.
Fully charged
Wolbertus, R., Kroesen, M., van den Hoed, R., & Chorus, C. (2018). Fully charged: an empirical study into the factors that influence connection times at EV-charging stations. Energy Policy, 123(December), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2018.08.030
Policy effects on charging behaviour of electric vehicle owners and on purchase intentions of prospective owners: Natural and stated choice experiments
Wolbertus, R., Kroesen, M., van den Hoed, R., & Chorus, C. G. (2018). Policy effects on charging behaviour of electric vehicle owners and on purchase intentions of prospective owners: Natural and stated choice experiments. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62, 283-297. https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/1D270EF13AAFA3C044B5BD70B5F68172A52CF0675DE9312D7BFD3AEE0F7D3144C2D0F8CD90AF02F444F978660B63EF4B
User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems
Tamis, M., Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2018). User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems. Paper presented at European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
Improving Electric vehicle charging station efficiency through pricing
Wolbertus, R., & Gerzon, B. (2018). Improving Electric vehicle charging station efficiency through pricing. Journal of advanced transportation, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4831951
Modes of fast charging
Wolbertus, R., Helmus, J., Maase, S. J. F. M., & van den Hoed, R. (2018). Modes of fast charging: rolling out fast chargers in cities and along corridors to meet the heterogeneity of needs among EV drivers. Paper presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 31, Kobe, Japan.
Modes of fast charging
Wolbertus, R., Helmus, J., Maase, S. J. F. M., & Van Den Hoed, R. (2018). Modes of fast charging: Rolling out fast chargers in cities and along corridors to meet the heterogeneity of needs among EV drivers. Paper presented at 31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2018 and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018, EVTeC 2018, Kobe City, Japan.
User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems
Tamis, M., Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2018). User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems. Poster session presented at European Electric Vehicle Convention on Infrastructure, Geneva, Switzerland.
Hogeschool van Amsterdam: laadpaalkleven slechts een incident
Wolbertus, R. (2017). Hogeschool van Amsterdam: laadpaalkleven slechts een incident. Smart E-Mobility, 2017(28), 34-35.
Charging station hogging
Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2017). Charging station hogging: a data-driven analysis. Paper presented at The 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Stuttgart, Germany.
Effects of local policies on charging behaviour of Electric Vehicle owners and on purchase intentions of prospective owners
Wolbertus, R., Kroesen, M., van den Hoed, R., & Chorus, C. (2017). Effects of local policies on charging behaviour of Electric Vehicle owners and on purchase intentions of prospective owners: cross-pollination based on a unique combination of natural and stated choice experiments.
Inefficient use of charging stations
Wolbertus, R. (2017). Inefficient use of charging stations: analysis, quantification and solutions.
Managing parking pressure concerns related to charging stations for electric vehicles
Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2017). Managing parking pressure concerns related to charging stations for electric vehicles: data analysis on the case of daytime charging in The Hague. Paper presented at European Battery, Hybrid & Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
Cijfers elektrisch vervoer
Wolbertus, R. (2016). Cijfers elektrisch vervoer: (t/m 30 juni 2016). Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.
Kennisvraag: Evolutie laadkosten publieke laadinfrastructuur
Wolbertus, R. (2016). Kennisvraag: Evolutie laadkosten publieke laadinfrastructuur. Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.
Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization
Wolbertus, R., van den Hoed, R., & Maase, S. (2016). Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 8(4), 748-765.
Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization
Wolbertus, R., Van Den Hoed, R., & Maase, S. (2016). Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization. In EVS 2016 � 29th International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS 2016 - 29th International Electric Vehicle Symposium). Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition.
Door de bomen het bos niet meer zien
Wolbertus, R. (2016). Door de bomen het bos niet meer zien. Smart E-Mobility, 7(2), 34.