A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

The long-term effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns on electric vehicle charging behaviour


The COVID-19 lockdowns showed that working from home and conducting meetings online can change mobility patterns and needs substantially. This global pandemic may have also substantially changed mobility patterns on the long-term and therefore, also the need of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Charging need dropped significantly but also changed the distribution of the load on the electricity grid throughout the day. This paper analyses changes in electric charging for different user groups during different phases of the pandemic to assess the long-term effects on EV charging needs.

Reference van der Koogh, M., Wolbertus, R., & Heller, R. (2022). The long-term effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns on electric vehicle charging behaviour. 1-12. Paper presented at 35th Edition International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Oslo, Norway.
11 June 2022

Publication date

Jun 2022


Mylène van der Koogh


Research database