A-Z Studenten Master Klimaatpsychologie en -gedrag

Part 6


A. 1. Click on the link: http://www.5minuteenglish.com/mar7.htm

Read the text on Using an English/English Dictionary and answer the questions.

A. 2. Then click on the link for English as an International Language and answer the questions. http://www.5minuteenglish.com/feb28.htm

B. Click on the link: http://szsbls3.szsb.uni-saarland.de/slenglish/internettestoftime.htm

At the right-hand side click on: Start reading now! You have 6 minutes to answer 12 questions about the text.

Listening, Reading and Vocabulary

Go to: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals-podcasts

On this page you can find all kinds of podcasts. Follow the instructions set out below.

  1. Select a podcast from the A to Z list (on the right), e.g. Emotional Intelligence.
  2. Listen to the audio and do the tasks. Press the button Finish and confirm to check your answers.

If you can’t choose, try the following links:




Scroll down and start with the preparation task. This involves reading the text. Then do the other tasks.

Vocabulary and listening

On the BBC website Learning English (link below) you can find all kinds of exercises to build up your vocabulary. On the news website, you can get there by selecting Words in the News on this site, there are weekly updates on the news. You can listen to these video’s and build up your vocabulary at the same time. Check this website on a regular basis.


Gepubliceerd door  Faculteit Maatschappij en Recht 15 november 2017