A-Z Studenten Ervaringsdeskundigheid in Zorg en Welzijn

Part 7

Listening and Vocabulary

On the BBC website Learning English (link below) you can find an archive with all kinds of exercises to improve your reading and listening skills. You can get there by selecting 6 Minute English. You can listen to any of these audio’s and build up your vocabulary at the same time.



For some more vocabulary exercises, you can go to the following site and select one or more of the vocabulary learning games at the right: http://www.vocabulary.co.il/word-play/vocabulary-quiz/

Reading and Vocabulary

A. On the site below you will find a lot of reading material and exercises. You can select some exercises from 365 ESL Short Stories and do the exercises. Read the story and do the exercises underneath, apart from ‘Dictation’. http://www.eslfast.com

If you can’t choose, click the following link for the item ‘Making Peace with Russia’: http://www.eslfast.com/eslread/ss/s353.htm . Read the story and do the exercises underneath, apart from ‘Dictation’.

B. Then click the link for ‘Don’t take my Property’ http://www.eslfast.com/eslread/ss/s342.htm

C. Then for ‘Jury Service in California’ select the link http://www.eslfast.com/eslread/ss/s194.htm . Read the stories and do the exercises – apart from the ‘Dictation’.

More Reading

On the ‘5-minute English’ website you can find a large collections of Reading Comprehension quizzes and tests. Select any of these and complete the quiz/test. http://www.5minuteenglish.com/reading.htm

Gepubliceerd door  Faculteit Maatschappij en Recht 15 november 2017