A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

Towards Energy Citizenship for a Just and Inclusive Transition: Lessons Learned on Collaborative Approach of Positive Energy Districts from the EU Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities Projects


To achieve the “well below 2 degrees” targets, a new ecosystem needs to be defined where citizens become more active, co-managing with relevant stakeholders, the government, and third parties. This means moving from the traditional concept of citizens-as-consumers towards energy citizenship. Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) will be the test-bed area where this transformation will take place through social, technological, and governance innovation. This paper focuses on benefits and barriers towards energy citizenships and gathers a diverse set of experiences for the definition of PEDs and Local Energy Markets from the Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities projects: Making City, Pocityf, and Atelier.<br/>

Reference Olivadese, R., Alpagut, B., Pineda Revilla, B., Brouwer, J., Georgiadou, V., Woestenburg, A., & van Wees, M. (2020). Towards Energy Citizenship for a Just and Inclusive Transition: Lessons Learned on Collaborative Approach of Positive Energy Districts from the EU Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities Projects. Proceedings, 65(1), Article 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2020065020
1 January 2020

Publication date

Jan 2020


Rosamaria Olivadese
Beril Alpagut
Beatriz Pineda Revilla
Jeroen Brouwer
Vasiliki Georgiadou
Alexander Woestenburg


Research database