A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

Co-creation in urban Living Labs

a multi-level network perspective on labour market innovation


This paper analyses co-creation in urban living labs through a multi-level network perspective on system innovation. We draw on the case House of Skills, a large, multi-stakeholder living lab aimed at developing a ‘skills-based’ approach towards labour market innovation within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region. Our<br/>analysis helps understand stakeholder dynamics towards system innovation, drawing on an innovative living lab example and taking into consideration the multi-layered structures that comprise the collaboration. Our conceptual framework provides an important theoretical contribution to innovation studies and offers a practical repertoire that can help practitioners improve co-creation of shared value in living labs, towards orchestrating flexible structures that strengthen the impact of their initiatives.

Reference Ferguson, J., van der Heijden, E., & de Zeeuw, A. (2020). Co-creation in urban Living Labs: a multi-level network perspective on labour market innovation. In T. Hirvikoski, L. Erkkilä, M. Fred, A. Helariutta, I. Kurkela, P. Pöyry-Lassila, K. Saastamoinen, A. Salmi, & A. Äyväri (Eds.), Co-creating and orchestrating multistakeholder innovation (pp. 14-22). Laurea Publications. https://1aaa3e96-3119-43e0-9ba4-a6e3a68f5928.usrfiles.com/ugd/1aaa3e_dbf773ca0710458abd18e13001db2d14.pdf
1 January 2020