A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

Overview SEEV4-city playing field state-of-the-art assessment of smart charging and vehicle 2 Grid services


State-of-the-Art report for SEEV4city

Reference Putrus, G., Kotter, R., Wang, Y., Das, R., Bentley, E., Dai, X., O'Brien, G., Heller, R., Prateek, R., Gough, B., Herteleer, B., Cao, Y., & Zilvetti, M. (2020). Overview SEEV4-city playing field state-of-the-art assessment of smart charging and vehicle 2 Grid services. Interreg, North-West Europe. https://www.seev4-city.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/State-of-the-Art-Assessment-of-Smart-Charging-and-V2G-services.pdf
Published by  Kenniscentrum Techniek 11 July 2020

Publication date

Jul 2020


Ghanim Putrus
Richard Kotter
Yue Wang
Ridoy Das
Edward Bentley
Xuewu Dai
Geoff O'Brien
Ramesh Prateek
Bebecca Gough
Bert Herteleer
Yue Cao
Marco Zilvetti


Research database