A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

Teacher career pathways

summary of a TEPE webinar


On 16 September 2021, the Teacher Education Policy in Europe Network organised a webinar on career pathways for teachers. The reason for this theme was the need to explore how teachers can stay motivated in their profession during a longer time span. This motivation is key for retaining teachers in their profession and for learners in schools, as motivated and passionate teachers are better at supporting their learning. During the webinar, the focus was on the question of how teacher career paths could support this long-lasting motivation and well-being of teachers. As many countries are struggling with a teacher shortage, the question of how to retain teachers and how career opportunities can contribute to this is highly important.

The webinar consisted of three parts:

  1. In the first part, three keynote presenters explored the issue of teacher career paths from different angles.
  2. In the second part subgroups discussed issues and experiences and exchanged policy examples from different countries.
  3. In the third part, the outcomes of this exchange were collected and key issues for further exploration were identified, especially in relation to the role of teacher education. The summary ends with recommendations for different stakeholders.
Reference Snoek, M., Tournier, B., Chimier, C., & Astrand, B. (2021). Teacher career pathways: summary of a TEPE webinar. Web publication or website, Tepe.
Published by  Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding 1 September 2021

Publication date

Sep 2021


Barbara Tournier
Chloé Chimier
Bjorn Astrand


Research database