A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

The Street-Wise University: The Amsterdam Knowledge Mile as an Intermediary and Place-Making Concept


Universities have become more engaged or entrepreneurial, forging deeper relations with society beyond the economic sphere. To foster, structure, and institutionalize a broader spectrum of engagement, new types of intermediary organizations are created, going beyond the “standard” technology transfer proces, incubators, and science parks.

This paper conceptualizes the role of such new-style intermediaries as facilitator, enabler, and co-shaper of university–society interaction, making a distinction between the roles of facilitation, configuration, and brokering.

As a case study, the paper presents the Knowledge Mile in Amsterdam as a novel form of hyper local engagement of a university with its urban surroundings that connects the challenges of companies and organisations in the street to a broad range of educational and research activities of the university, as well as to rebrand the street.

Reference van Winden, W., Hagemans, I., & van Hemert, P. (2019). The Street-Wise University: The Amsterdam Knowledge Mile as an Intermediary and Place-Making Concept. Social Sciences, 8(8), Article 229. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci8080229
Published by  CAREM 1 January 2019