A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

Making it Happen

Supporting student start-ups by enabling shared facilities within the higher education institution


Introduction Within the Entrepreneurship program at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, there are a number of student start-ups that are developing inclusive, sustainable, and innovative solutions.

We noticed that, during this process, they need to access certain facilities to develop a proof of concept or minimal viable product. When student start-ups tried to access facilities themselves, they found insufficient information about accessing facilities and contact persons.

As Hui & Gerber (2017) stated that accessible facilities like a makerspace have a positive impact on the number of students who are embarking on the venture of a new business. Halbinger, (2020) states that there needs to be more research about university makerspaces in relation to the facilitation of student-entrepreneurship.

Reference Wakkee, I., van Grevenhof, B., & Vergeer, W. (2022). Making it Happen: Supporting student start-ups by enabling shared facilities within the higher education institution. Poster session presented at University Industry Innovation Network, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Published by  CAREM 13 June 2022

Publication date

Jun 2022


Bart van Grevenhof
Wessel Vergeer


Research database