A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek

It works! But now what? Upscaling smart city experiments


The city as lab People and organizations everywhere are working to make the city more sustainable, more circular and climate-proof. Sustainable innovations are not for sale, we have to make them ourselves by trial and error to find out whether a new approach works or not.

Major cities around the world haveembraced experimentation as a way to discover future directions: the city as a living laboratory where new technologies and concepts are tested in the fields of mobility, sustainable energy,
sustainable construction, logistics, and so on.

Such experimentation projects are supported by governments through a wide array of subsidies and other measures.

Reference van Winden, W. (2020). It works! But now what? Upscaling smart city experiments. In Conference proceedings of the Urban Economy Forum 2020
Published by  CAREM 5 October 2020