A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
J.J. van Wijk (Jakomijn)
Associate Professor Sustainability Management-
Ensuring equal voice at a tilted table? An explorative study among partnership conveners about their role and practices in addressing power dynamics
van Hille, I., DiVito, L., & van Wijk, J. (2024). Ensuring equal voice at a tilted table? An explorative study among partnership conveners about their role and practices in addressing power dynamics. Abstract from Cross-sector Social Interactions (CSSI) Symposium 2024:, Cape Town, South Africa.
Circular ecosystems intermediation
Divito, L., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Circular ecosystems intermediation: the transition to circular textiles and fashion. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.12192abstract
Intermediating circular startups in ecosystems: a case study of circular textiles and apparel
Divito, L., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Intermediating circular startups in ecosystems: a case study of circular textiles and apparel. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Changemakers: a pedagogical approach for action-oriented, experiential learning to empower voice, agency and leadership
DiVito, L., van Wijk, J., & van Eeuwijk, J. (2023). Changemakers: a pedagogical approach for action-oriented, experiential learning to empower voice, agency and leadership. Abstract from 10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
Lisbon, Portugal
, Lisbon, Portugal. -
Moving beyond cognitive learning: teaching students about partnerships for sustainability
van Hille, I., & van Wijk, J. J. (2023). Moving beyond cognitive learning: teaching students about partnerships for sustainability. Abstract from 10TH RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Lissabon, Portugal.
Overlooked goliaths
Marques, J. C., Litrico, J.-B., & van Wijk, J. (2023). Overlooked goliaths: business associations in international CSR governance. In A. Goerzen (Ed.), Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 284-301). (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802207040.00026
Re-enacting a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the tea sector: a role play
van Hille, I., Ingen-Housz, Z. M. P., van Wijk, J. J., & Divito, L. E. D. (2023). Re-enacting a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the tea sector: a role play. Abstract from 10TH RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Lissabon, Portugal.
Moving circular fashion from niche to mainstream: A case study of a multi-stakeholder collaboration to transform the textile industry in The Netherlands
van Wijk, J., & van Hille, I. (2022). Moving circular fashion from niche to mainstream: A case study of a multi-stakeholder collaboration to transform the textile industry in The Netherlands. Paper presented at 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
Divito, L., Good, J., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., Lam, T., Martina, R., & Wakkee, I. (2022). Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability. Paper presented at DRUID22, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
DiVito, L., Good, J., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., Lam, T., Martina, R., & Wakkee, I. (2022). Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.13154abstract
Appropriating relational value from collaborative networks for sustainability
Divito, L., Good, J., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., Lam, T., Martina, R., & Wakkee, I. (2022). Appropriating relational value from collaborative networks for sustainability. In S. Taneja (Ed.), Academy of Management proceedings (1 ed., Vol. 2022, pp. 13154). Academy of Management. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.13154abstract
CIE Conference 2022 Videos
Divito, L., & van Wijk, J. (2022). CIE Conference 2022 Videos. Digital or Visual Products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2soAYFVNfTM&t=6s
Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry
DiVito, L., Good, J., Lam, T., & van Wijk, J. (2021). Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry. 1-25. Paper presented at ISIRC 2021, 13th International Social Innovation Research Conference Enabling the change! Social innovation and enterprises for a better future, Milan, Italy.
Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry
DiVito, L., Good, J. E., Lam, T., & van Wijk, J. (2021). Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry. Paper presented at 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021
Organizing for an Inclusive Society: Meanings, Motivations & Mechanisms, Amsterdam, Netherlands. https://www.egos.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1610525130808&subtheme_id=1574433575631&show_prog=yes -
Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry
DiVito, L., van Wijk, J., & Wakkee, I. (2021). Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry. Business & Society, 60(5), 1092-1131. https://doi.org/10.1177/0007650320930657
Challenges in Building Robust Interventions in Contexts of Poverty
van Wijk, J., van Wijk, J., Drost, S., & Stam, W. (2020). Challenges in Building Robust Interventions in Contexts of Poverty: Insights from an NGO-driven multi-stakeholder network in Ethiopia. Organization Studies, 41(10), 1391-1415. https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840619878468
Social innovation
van Wijk, J., Zietsma, C., Dorado, S., de Bakker, F. G. A., & Martí, I. (2018). Social innovation: Integrating micro, meso and macro level insights from institutional theory. Business & Society, 58(5), 887–918. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0007650318789104
Activists and incumbents structuring change
van Wijk, J. J., Stam, W., Elfring, T., Zietsma, C., & den Hond, F. (2013). Activists and incumbents structuring change: The interplay of agency, culture and networks in field evolution. Academy of Management Journal, 56(2), 358–386. https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/amj.2008.0355