A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
M.R. Tamis (Milan) MSc
Onderzoeker | Promovendus-
Plugging in with neighbours: Defining the social dimension of electric vehicle charging in the Netherlands
Tamis, M., de Vries, G., Renes, R. J., & Alkemade, F. (2024). Plugging in with neighbours: Defining the social dimension of electric vehicle charging in the Netherlands. Energy Research & Social Science, 118, Article 103791. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103791
Reducing CO2 emission and disrupting car travel habits through personalized feedback
Van Brecht, J., Tamis, M., Liao, F., & Renes, R. J. (2022). Reducing CO2 emission and disrupting car travel habits through personalized feedback. 1-9. Paper presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 35, Oslo, Norway.
Understanding the social-psychological aspects of collective neighbourhood initiatives in the energy transition
Tamis, M., de Vries, G., Renes, R. J., & Alkemade, F. (2022). Understanding the social-psychological aspects of collective neighbourhood initiatives in the energy transition. Abstract from STS Conference Graz 2022.
The impact of COVID-19 related regulations and restrictions on mobility and potential for sustained climate mitigation across the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK: a data-based commentary
Corker, E., Mitev, K., Nilsson Lewis, A., Tamis, M., Bouman, T., Holmlid, S., Lambe, F., Michie, S., Osborne, M., Renes, R. J., Steg, L., & Whitmarsh, L. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 related regulations and restrictions on mobility and potential for sustained climate mitigation across the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK: a data-based commentary. UCL Open: Environment , 4. https://doi.org/10.14324/111.444/ucloe.000032
Van dieselbus naar vrachtfiets?
Dieker, M., & Tamis, M. (2022). Van dieselbus naar vrachtfiets? lessen uit toegepast gedragsonderzoek naar het motiveren en faciliteren van emissievrij vervoer door servicemonteurs. Logistiek +: Tijdschrift Voor Toegepaste Logistiek, 2022(12), 10-17. https://www.kennisdclogistiek.nl/publicaties/van-dieselbus-naar-vrachtfiets#downloads
Behavioural perspective on car owners’ uptake of shared e-mobility
Kreemers, L. M., Tamis, M., van Brecht, J., & van Gent, M. J. (2021). Behavioural perspective on car owners’ uptake of shared e-mobility: car owners’ motives for, and barriers to, trying out a vehicle from a Smart Shared Green Mobility Hub. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Go electric
Ploos van Amstel, W., Balm, S., Tamis, M., Dieker, M., Smit, M., Nijhuis, W., & Englebert, T. (2021). Go electric: zero-emission service logistics in cities. (AUAS Faculty Of Technology publication series; No. 17). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Gas op elektrisch
Ploos van Amstel, W., Balm, S., Tamis, M., Dieker, M., Smit, M., Nijhuis, W., & Englebert, T. (2021). Gas op elektrisch: Servicelogistiek zero emissie de stad in. (Publicatiereeks HvA Faculteit Techniek; No. 17). Onderzoeksprogramma Urban Technology, Faculteit Techniek, Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://www.hva.nl/kc-techniek/gedeelde-content/contentgroep/gas-op-elektrisch/gas-op-elektrisch.html
Exploring electric vehicles owner's preferences and experiences with controlled charging: a mixed-method case study in the Netherlands
Gardien, L., Refa, N., & Tamis, M. (2020). Exploring electric vehicles owner's preferences and experiences with controlled charging: a mixed-method case study in the Netherlands. In 33rd World Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition (EVS33) Peer Reviewed Conference Papers The Electric Drive Transportation Association. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4023309
Behavior research report Flexpower
Tamis, M., & Gardien, L. (2020). Behavior research report Flexpower. Interreg, North Sea Region.
Moving a Taxi Sector to Become Electric: Characterizing Taxi Drivers Interested in Purchasing a Full Electric Vehicle
Tamis, M., & van den Hoed, R. (2020). Moving a Taxi Sector to Become Electric: Characterizing Taxi Drivers Interested in Purchasing a Full Electric Vehicle. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 11(1), Article 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj11010020
van den Hoed, R., Maase, S., Helmus, J., Wolbertus, R., el Bouhassani, Y., Dam, J., Tamis, M., & Jablonska, B. (2019). E-mobility: getting smart with data. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Moving a taxi sector to become electric
Tamis, M., & van den Hoed, R. (2019). Moving a taxi sector to become electric: An innovative incentive programme in Amsterdam. In Proceedings of 32nd Electric Vehicle Symposium, Lyon, France, May 19 - 22, 2019: EVS32
Resultaten taxi survey september 2017
Tamis, M., & Zeiske, N. (2018). Resultaten taxi survey september 2017: onderdeel van het U-SMILE project. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Antunes, C., Bohnsack, R., Caridade, L., Gregorio, V., Groot, J., van den Hoed, R., Khan, S., Matos, L., Mendes, R., Oliveira, A., Prüggler, N., Prüggler, W., Tamis, M., Teixeira, J., & Thorsdottir, H. (2018). me2: Integrated Smart City Mobility and Energy Platform. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems
Tamis, M., Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2018). User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems. Paper presented at European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems
Tamis, M., Wolbertus, R., & van den Hoed, R. (2018). User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems. Poster session presented at European Electric Vehicle Convention on Infrastructure, Geneva, Switzerland.
Verkennend onderzoek onder taxichauffeurs op de taxistandplaats van het Centraal Station
Tamis, M. (2017). Verkennend onderzoek onder taxichauffeurs op de taxistandplaats van het Centraal Station. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Smart charging in the Netherlands
Tamis, M., van den Hoed, R., & Thorsdottir, H. (2017). Smart charging in the Netherlands. Paper presented at European Battery, Hybrid & Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.