A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
dr. ir. A. Solcerova (Anna)
Onderzoeker klimaatbestendige stadAnna Solcerova is a researcher with the Climate Resilient City research group. The focus of her research lies in understanding different heat adaptation measures, such as trees, green roofs, or urban ponds, and their effect on urban climate. She uses models, and an occasional field measurement campaign, to study this effect and the feasibility of different adaptation measures in different areas of a city.
Before working at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Anna did her PhD at Delft University of Technology. Her research was about influence of water, and water availability for plans, on urban climate. She tested several blue and green climate adaptation measures in order to understand, how do they help cool urban areas during extreme heat.
Corpel, L., Solcerova, A., Kluck, J., van Esch, M., Mantas, D., Cannatella, D., van Duijnen, S., Terhorst, T., van den Ende, J., & Tromp, R. (2024). Thermo-staat: NWO eindrapportage. https://thermo-staat.nl/over-thermo-staat
Handreiking hitte in bestaande woningen 3.0
Kluck, J., de Groot, M., van der Strate, E., Snellen, B., Solcerova, A., Schoonderbeek, J., Erwin, S., Thoen, H., Tavenier, M., Nieuweboer, L., Jannink, B., & Zwakhals, L. (2023). Handreiking hitte in bestaande woningen 3.0. Nationaal Kennis- en innovatieprogramma Water en Klimaat.
Hittelabel 2.6
Schoonderbeek, J., Kluck, J., & Solcerova, A. (Ed.) (2023). Hittelabel 2.6. Digital or Visual Products, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Techniek. https://www.hva.nl/kc-techniek/gedeelde-content/projecten/designing-future-cities/hitte-in-woningen.html
Influence of blue-green roofs on surface temperature and indoor temperature on building scale
Föllmi, D., Corpel, L., Solcerova, A., & Kluck, J. (2023). Influence of blue-green roofs on surface temperature and indoor temperature on building scale. Nature-Based Solutions, 4, Article 100076. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbsj.2023.100076
Influence of blue-green roofs on surface and indoor temperatures on a building scale
Corpel, L., Föllmi, D., Solcerova, A., & Kluck, J. (2023). Influence of blue-green roofs on surface and indoor temperatures on a building scale. Poster session presented at European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Koelen blauw-groene daken de stad?
Solcerova, A., Klok, L., & Kluck, J. (2022). Koelen blauw-groene daken de stad? Stadswerk Magazine, 2022(5), 30-32. https://stadswerkmagazineplus.nl/special-klimaat-milieu-circulaire-economie/koelen-blauw-groene-daken-de-stad/
What is the thermal effect of 'blue' in blue-green roofs?
Föllmi, D., Corpel, L., Solcerova, A., & Kluck, J. (2022). What is the thermal effect of 'blue' in blue-green roofs? A quantitative case study on the insulative effects of blue-green roofs in Amsterdam for the RESILIO Project. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Hitte (onderzoek HVA)
Solcerova, A., Corpel, L., Föllmi, D., & Kluck, J. (2022). Hitte (onderzoek HVA). In A. N. Holstein, W. Braat, & J. Langewen (Eds.), Nieuw land op het dak: eindrapport RESILIO (pp. 37-40). RESILIO.
Indoor and outdoor heat stress reduction
Solcerova, A., Föllmi, D., Corpel, L., & Kluck, J. (2022). Indoor and outdoor heat stress reduction. In Final report - the building-scale performance of blue-green roofs (pp. 34-63). RESILIO.
RESILIO Final report
Langewen, J., Holstein, A. N., Spaan, K., Haer, T., de Moel, H., Solcerova, A., Drukker, E., van den Buuse, D., van Winden, W., Switzer, A., Morel, M., van der Grijp , N., Tigelaar, J. H., Logjes, P., Braat, W., Nieuwesteeg, R., Jacobi, J., & Molenaar, A. (2022). RESILIO Final report: A roof journey. https://resilio.amsterdam/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Final-Report-RESILIO.pdf
Handreiking hitte in de bestaande woningen
van der Strate, E., de Groot, M., Mesdaghi, B., Kluck, J., de Vries, S., Solcerova, A., Corpel, L., van Walsum, R., Goetgeluk, R., Damen, M., de Nijs, T., & Hagens, W. (2022). Handreiking hitte in de bestaande woningen: een hulpmiddel en overzicht voor gemeenten en woningbouwcorporaties bij het aanpakken van hitte in woningen . Nationaal Kennis- en innovatieprogramma Water en Klimaat.
Distance to cool spots, a practical design guideline for heat resilient urban areas
Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L., Solcerova, A., Erwin, S., Klok, L., de Groot, M., & Koekoek, A. (2022). Distance to cool spots, a practical design guideline for heat resilient urban areas. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10358
Assessment of change in UHI
Solcerova, A., Klok, L., & Kluck, J. (2021). Assessment of change in UHI. In T. Haer, & A. Solcerova (Eds.), Final Report - Impact Assessment at District and City Level (Output 6.4.1 ed., pp. 25-36). https://openresearch.amsterdam/nl/page/83679/output-6.4.1-impact-assessment-at-district-and-city-level
A practical approach towards designing heat resilient cities
Kleerekoper, L., Kluck, J., Klok, L., Solcerová, A., Loeve, R., & Corpel, L. (2021). A practical approach towards designing heat resilient cities. Poster session presented at International Society of Biometeorology.
Praktijkonderzoek Hitte richtlijnen
Kluck, J., Solcerova, A., de Groot, M., van Kruiningen, M., Helmer, M., Westera, H., Keizer, R., Huisman, S., Sahit, F., van Zandbrink, L., Wetzels, V., van den Acker, R., & Kleerekoper, L. (2020). Praktijkonderzoek Hitte richtlijnen: resultaten zomer 2020. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
De hittebestendige stad: Coolkit
Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L., Klok, L., Solcerova, A., Loeve, R., Erwin, S., Liu, C., Welter, N., Lopes, M., & Rajaei, S. (2020). De hittebestendige stad: Coolkit: toolkit voor ontwerpers van de buitenruimte. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Inzicht in het temperatuureffect van Klimaflex asfalt
Kleerekoper, L., Caverzam Barbosa, E., Solcerova, A., & Kluck, J. (2020). Inzicht in het temperatuureffect van Klimaflex asfalt: Een verkennende studie voor Heijmans. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
De hittebestendige stad
Kluck, J., Klok, L., Solcerová, A., Kleerekoper, L., Wilschut, L., Jacobs, C., & Loeve, R. (2020). De hittebestendige stad: Een koele kijk op de inrichting van de buitenruimte. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Technology. https://www.hva.nl/kc-techniek/gedeelde-content/contentgroep/klimaatbestendige-stad/klimaatbestendige-stad.html
De Thermal Walk
Klok, L., Kluck, J., Caverzam Barbosa, E., & Solcerová, A. (2020). De Thermal Walk: Zelf hitte meten en ervaren. Stadswerk Magazine, 2020(2), 14-16. https://www.hva.nl/kc-techniek/gedeelde-content/contentgroep/klimaatbestendige-stad/resultaten/thermal-walk.html
Heat Resilient Cities
Solcerova, A., Klok, L., Wilschut, L., Kleerekoper, L., & Kluck, J. (2019). Heat Resilient Cities: adaptation to extreme temperatures in the Netherlands. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21.