A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
S.J. Poerbodipoero (Soemitro) MSc
Hoofd opleiding, docent Ergotherapie, gastonderzoekerSoemitro Poerbodipoero (Msc) is an occupational therapist, lecturer, junior researcher and curriculum manager at the Occupational Therapy Department of the Amsterdam School of Higher professional Education (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) in the Netherlands.
He graduated in 1998 as an occupational therapist (BSc OT) at the Occupational Therapy Department of the Amsterdam School of Higher professional Education (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) in the Netherlands, and finished his Master in Movement Sciences at de VU University in Amsterdam in 2003. He has been working as an occupational therapist in rehabilitation (hand therapy) from 2001 until 2007. Since 2008 he worked as a lecturer at the Hogeschool Amsterdam and since 2010 started as manager and became a member of the Research Group of Allied Health Care Hogeschool Amsterdam: Participation and environment.
His expertise in the area of occupational therapy is rehabilitation, transitional care and caregiving. Currently he is focusing on management and research within the Occupation Therapy Department at the Amsterdam School of Higher professional Education (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) in the Netherlands.
Higher education students' experiences of a short-term international programme
Blankvoort, N., Kaelin, V. C., Poerbodipoero, S., & Guidetti, S. (2019). Higher education students' experiences of a short-term international programme: exploring cultural competency and professional development. Education Research, 61(3), 356-370. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2019.1632725
COHEHRE Academy: Ethics in Community Based Student Projects
Blankvoort, N., Hengelaar, R., & Poerbodipoero, S. (2018). COHEHRE Academy: Ethics in Community Based Student Projects: Exploring the Possibility of a Win-Win.
New developments in health and welfare challenges the new curriculum
van Hartingsveldt, M., Vromen, I., Steltman, M., van Dijk, K., Boumans, A., Poerbodipoero, S., & Blokker, E. (2018). New developments in health and welfare challenges the new curriculum: positioned for impact. Poster session presented at WFOT Conference, Cape Town.
Questionnare Occupational Performance (QOP)
Capel, C., van Gelderen, E., Stobbe, T., van Hartingsveldt, M., Poerbodipoero, S., & Zinkstok, R. (2016). Questionnare Occupational Performance (QOP): voor cliënten met psychische problemen in poliklinische revalidatie en de eerste lijn. Ergotherapie Magazine, 2016(4), 42-49.
The construct validity of the Dutch version of the activity card sort
Poerbodipoero, S. J., Sturkenboom, I. H., van Hartingsveldt, M. J., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., & Graff, M. J. (2016). The construct validity of the Dutch version of the activity card sort. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(19), 1943-1951. https://doi.org/10.3109/09638288.2015.1107779
Sensor monitoring to measure and support daily functioning for independently living older people a systematic review and road map for further development
Pol, M. C., Poerbodipoero, S., Robben, S., Daams, J., van Hartingsveldt, M., de Vos, R., de Rooij, S. E., Kröse, B., & Buurman, B. M. (2013). Sensor monitoring to measure and support daily functioning for independently living older people a systematic review and road map for further development. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 61(12), 2219-2227. https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.12563