A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
S.I. Petkova (Simeona) MSc
We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges. – Tim Burners Lee, the ‘inventor’ of the World Wide Web
Simeona Petkova joined the International Business School in 2012. She currently teaches Marketing and Management (1&2), Digital Marketing, Marketing and Communications and is a thesis supervisor. Mrs Petkova participates in several project groups within the International Business and Management Studies programme, such as the CURE re-design team for marketing, and the Virtual Open Day. She also represented the IBS during the 2013 summer-session at the Business School in Aarhus, Denmark where she gave a talk on Social CRM.
Using learning is a social construct Mrs Petkova aspires to create an encouraging and interactive learning environment for her students.
Business profile
Before joining the International Business School, Mrs Petkova worked as a marketing and communication manager at BigAirBag BV, as a teacher and managing director of summer school at the American English Academy in Bulgaria, as a PR manager at Bulgarian Adventure Sports, and as a freelance journalist.
Educational profile
Mrs Petkova is currently a PhD candidate within the Digital Methods Initiative at the University of Amsterdam. The Digital Methods initiative is dedicated to building software tools for working with online data and devices for social and cultural research. She is particularly interested in memory and social media and tries to outline a new approach to studying a natively digital dataset of memory. Mrs Petkova gave talks at ECAH 2013 in Brighton, WPAC 2012 in Berlin, and MIT7 2011 in Cambridge, MA.
Mrs Petkova has a BA and MA in Communications from the University of Sofia and a Research MA (graduated cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam. She is fluent in English, Dutch and Russian.
Counter-mapping for critical emancipatory awareness and affective engagement with urban semi-periphery
Radojevic, R., Petkova, S., & Arbonés Aran, N. (2024). Counter-mapping for critical emancipatory awareness and affective engagement with urban semi-periphery. Abstract from EASST-4S Conference 2024, Amsterdam. https://nomadit.co.uk/conference/easst-4s2024/paper/86332
Mapping imaginaries of Amsterdam Southeast
Arbones Aran, N., Petkova, S., & Radojevic, R. (2024). Mapping imaginaries of Amsterdam Southeast: a critical intervention in the business school curriculum. In EDULEARN24 Proceedings: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (pp. 10155-10160). IATED Academy.
An IMAGE Case Compilation
Arbones Aran, N., Petkova, S. I., & Moodey, L. (2023). An IMAGE Case Compilation: Researching the City: Mapping Imaginaries. https://cityimaginaries.com/teaching-case/
Education for sustainability and the affective learning domain
Radojevic, R., & Petkova, S. (2023). Education for sustainability and the affective learning domain. In N. Arbones Aran, & B. Smeenk (Eds.), People, Polyphonies, Peripheries: Mapping the Ways for Better Cities in Each and All of Their Corners (Real or Imagined) (pp. 9-11). IMAGE Project.
Re-imagining the teaching case as a format & practice
Petkova, S. (2023). Re-imagining the teaching case as a format & practice. In N. Arbones Aran, & B. Smeenk (Eds.), People Polyphonies Peripheries : Mapping the Ways for Better Cities in Each and All of Their Corners (Real of Imagined) (pp. 7-8). IMAGE Project.
Layers of Performativity: Visual Analysis of Urban/Social/New Movements through Global and Local Google Image Search
Petkova, S. I., & Radojevic, R. (2023). Layers of Performativity: Visual Analysis of Urban/Social/New Movements through Global and Local Google Image Search. Abstract from Technology in Movement, Movement in Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Future of jobs: A Roadmap for the Future of a More Interdisciplinary Business Education
Ordeix Rigo, E., Longo, F., El-Zein, S. A., Arbones Aran, N., & Petkova, S. I. (2023). The Future of jobs: A Roadmap for the Future of a More Interdisciplinary Business Education. Abstract from The Future of Work, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Slopen? Niet de Ziel van de stad
Arbones Aran, N., Petkova, S., & Karikari, C. (2022). Slopen? Niet de Ziel van de stad: Hoe een project met studenten over placemaking uit de hand liep en zo de liefde voor behoud van de oude Bijlmer vergrootte. Bewogen Stad, (8), 16-18. https://publications.hva.nl/bewogen-stad-8/slopen-niet-de-ziel-van-de-stad
Yes, We Can: Putting co-creation into practice at Spinoza Imaginaries Lab & Café
Arbones Aran, N., Petkova, S. I., & Moodey, L. (2022). Yes, We Can: Putting co-creation into practice at Spinoza Imaginaries Lab & Café. Abstract from U!reka Connects, Ghent, Belgium.
Capturing Urban Memory with Sentient Data, Counter Mapping and Digital Methods
Petkova, S., Radojevic, R., & Arbones-Aran, N. (2022). Capturing Urban Memory with Sentient Data, Counter Mapping and Digital Methods. 178-179. Abstract from The 7th International Landscape Archeology Conference, Iasy-Suceava, Romania.
Visual Culture on the Semi-Periphery: Reading the Global/Local in Google Image Results
Bajec , J., Beveridge, I., Petkova, S., & Radojevic, R. (2020). Visual Culture on the Semi-Periphery: Reading the Global/Local in Google Image Results. In T. Herdin, M. Faust, & G.-M. Chen (Eds.), De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures: Perspectives from the Global South (1 ed., pp. 77-98). (Interkulturelle und transkulturelle Kommunikation | Intercultural and Transcultural Communication; Vol. 3). Nomos. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748906933-77
In-between ‘drama’ and ‘invisibility’
Petkova, S., & Radojevic, R. (2019). In-between ‘drama’ and ‘invisibility’: searching for the ‘Don’t Drown Belgrade’ movement in global and local Google Image result pages. Paper presented at Social Movements and Parties in a Fractured Media Landscape, Florence, Italy.
Mapping ‘Women in Technology' Issue Networks across Bulgarian, Croatian, and Serbian National Google(s)
Radojevic, R., & Petkova, S. (2018). Mapping ‘Women in Technology' Issue Networks across Bulgarian, Croatian, and Serbian National Google(s). Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media , (19), 93-115. https://www.digitalicons.org/issue19/mapping-women-in-technology-issue-networks
Brand Engagement Typologies on Instagram
Petkova, S. I. (2015). Brand Engagement Typologies on Instagram. Abstract from General Online Research 2015, Cologne, Germany. https://www.gor.de/gor15/index.php?page=browseSessions&presentations=show&mode=list&search=Simeona+Petkova
Right-Wing Formations in Europe and their Counter-Measures. Online Mapping
Rogers, R., Bajec (2), J., Bardelli, F., Bergenfelz, L., Brehm, S., Brunetti, A., Colombo, G., De Amicis, G., De Gaetano, C., Gulays, O., Hermens, E., Iorga, C., Kok, S., Paiva, J., Paraskevopoulou, O., Petkova, S. I., Ranzana, T., Radojevic, R., Ryberg Due, E., ... van der Velden, L. (2013). Right-Wing Formations in Europe and their Counter-Measures. Online Mapping: Bulgaria- Highly Widgeted . Govcom.org Foundation, Amsterdam. http://govcom.org/populism/GCO_DMI_Populism_final_6May2013.pdf
Individual and Cultural Memories on Wikipedia and Wikia. A Comparative Analysis
Petkova, S. I. (2012). Individual and Cultural Memories on Wikipedia and Wikia. A Comparative Analysis. Paper presented at Wikipedia Academy: Research and Free Knowledge., Berlin, Germany. https://wikipedia-academy.wikimedia.de/w/images.wikipedia-academy-2012/2/2d/28_Paper_Simeona_Petkova.pdf
Dynamics of Remembering and Forgetting on the Social Web Platforms
Petkova, S. I. (2011). Dynamics of Remembering and Forgetting on the Social Web Platforms. Paper presented at MIT7 , Cambridge, MA, United States. http://web.mit.edu/comm-forum/legacy/mit7/papers/Article_Petkova.pdf