A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
M.A. Oey (Michel)
Onderzoeker / Software Engineer lectoraat Digital LifeDr. Michel Oey is a lecturer and researcher at the Digital Life research group of the Center for Applied Research Create-IT at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and is specialized in research on the topic of IT and well-being. He has received his PhD in Computer Science at the VU University Amsterdam and has worked as an Assistant Professor at the Delft University of Technology. He has worked as researcher and technical lead within multiple projects on large-scale, distributed socio-technical systems. Currently, he is involved in the research and development of healthcare technology, such as the Hipper project, which provides a sensor-platform that is used in the area of geriatric rehabilitation.
IT is taking an ever-increasing role in society. In the domain of well-being and health, there are still many opportunities for innovative applications of IT. In the research group Digital Life, I am researching innovative ways to use technologies such as smart-sensors, distributed systems, and artificial intelligence to support humans in the context of well-being/health. Challenges include topics as security, privacy, and user-friendliness/customizability.
Helping people is my main motivation, both in teaching as well as in research. Humans are living longer and the population is growing, making well-being and health more of a challenge. IT can support health-care professionals in this task, but can also support humans in their daily activities and provide new opportunities for their empowerment and engagement of taking control of their own well-being. Enabling this by researching and developing such applications of IT is my challenge.
Current research projects
Dr. Michel Oey is currently working on various research projects, including Hipper and the Guiding Environment. Hipper is a proven intervention including sensor-informed occupational therapy for supporting the rehabilitation process of persons after a hip-fracture. The Hipper platform includes training and technology that monitors the patient’s movements and provides a secure environment to aggregate and display the data to the health-care professionals and patients.
The Guiding Environment is a project in collaboration with the HAN University of Applied Sciences and a number of private Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, which aims to design a smart home that helps its inhabitants in their daily activities. In particular, the project focuses on supporting independent living for people with beginning symptoms of dementia using sensor-technology and artificial intelligence.
Current teaching activities
The current teaching activities of Dr. Michel Oey include teaching IT-classes in the MakeITWork programme (adult retraining classes), designing a MSc. Cyber Security programme, supervising BSc. IT students, and supervising students in the several minors (e.g. Internet of Things, User Experience, Healthcare Technology) where students work on projects related to research.
Michel Oey graduated cum laude at the VU University Amsterdam in Computer Science. Afterwards he obtained his PhD at the VU University under supervision of Prof. Dr. A.S. Tanenbaum and Dr. W. de Jonge on the topic of data-integrity of disk storage: the Logical Disk.
Previous activities
From 2005, Michel Oey worked as a Scientific Programmer at the VU University Amsterdam where he worked on the topic of multi-agent systems. In 2009, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Delft University of Technology at the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management in the Systems Engineering section. There he worked on large-scale, distributed socio-technical systems, multi-agent systems and simulations.
Contact: m.a.oey@hva.nl
Human-Centered AI for Dementia Care: Using Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Interventions Support in Eating and Drinking Scenarios
Chang, W.-T., Wang, S., Kramer, S., Oey, M., & Ben Allouch, S. (2024). Human-Centered AI for Dementia Care: Using Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Interventions Support in Eating and Drinking Scenarios. In F. Lorig, J. Tucker, A. Dahlgren Lindström, F. Dignum, P. Murukannaiah, A. Theodorou, & P. Yolum (Eds.), HHAI 2024: Hybrid Human AI Systems for the Social Good: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 386, pp. 84-93). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; Vol. 386). IOS Press. https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA240185
A co-creation approach to implementing eHealth applications in care organizations: lessons learned from multiple cases
Robben, S., Oey, M., Pol, M., Muiser, S., Melis, P., & Ben Allouch, S. (2022). A co-creation approach to implementing eHealth applications in care organizations: lessons learned from multiple cases. Poster session presented at 5th UK Implementation Science Research Conference, United Kingdom.
Stimulating healthy behavior: the development of a modular e-health platform
Schoufour, J., Mehra, S., Bossen, D., Verwijs, M., Brons, A., van der Bie, J., Oey, M., Weijs, P., & Ben Allouch, S. (2022). Stimulating healthy behavior: the development of a modular e-health platform. Abstract from Supporting Health by Technology, Groningen.
Developing an Intelligent Environment to Support People with Early-Stage Dementia: from User-Needs to a Real-Life Prototype
Grave, A., Robben, S., Oey, M., Ben Allouch, S., & Mohammadi, M. (2022). Developing an Intelligent Environment to Support People with Early-Stage Dementia: from User-Needs to a Real-Life Prototype. Applied Human Informatics: Open Journal of the Academy of Human Informatics, 4(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.14865/ahi.4.1.1
eHealth Gebruikers Gilde Business Toolkit
Oey, M., Voorrips, R., & Migchielsen, S. (2022). eHealth Gebruikers Gilde Business Toolkit. Digital or Visual Products https://digitallife.nu/download/?file=egildebusinesstoolkit20220119.pdf
Routekaart voor implementatie van eHealth toepassingen in de zorg
Muiser, S., Melis, P. J. J. M., Oey, M. A., & Robben, S. M. B. (2022). Routekaart voor implementatie van eHealth toepassingen in de zorg.
Software Design Document MiB-platform
van der Bie, J. H. F., Bondietti, S., Oey, M. A., & Ben Allouch, S. (2021). Software Design Document MiB-platform: Technical description of the MiB-platform implementation.
Requirement elicitation and prototype development of an intelligent environment to support people with early dementia
Grave, A., Robben, S., Oey, M., Ben Allouch, S., & Mohammadi, M. (2021). Requirement elicitation and prototype development of an intelligent environment to support people with early dementia. In 2021 17th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2021 - Proceedings Article 9486462 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. https://doi.org/10.1109/IE51775.2021.9486462
The Hipper Therapeutics Platform
Oey, M., Bondietti, S., Haitjema, S., Wiggers, P., & Nait Aicha, A. (2018). The Hipper Therapeutics Platform. Software, Hipper Therapeutics. http://www.hipperacademy.nl