A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
ir. S.J.F.M. Maase (Simone)
Strategisch accountmanager energietransitieSimone Maase is opgeleid tot industrieel ontwerper aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. Tijdens haar werk als productontwerper in het bedrijfsleven groeide haar interesse voor duurzame ontwikkeling, hernieuwbare producten, maar vooral ook initiatieven van onderop voor een duurzamere samenleving. In 2003-2004 was zij coördinator Nederland van het EU 6 th framework project “EMUDE” (Emerging User Demands for a sustainable everyday). Van 2007 tot 2011 werkte zij als adviseur duurzaam initiatief bij stichting GreenWish. Tussen 2010 en 2015 werkte zij mee aan de ontwikkeling van een burgerwindpark in Utrecht. Sinds mei 2014 is Simone Maase als projectleider E-mobility verbonden aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, faculteit Techniek, onderzoeksprogramma Urban Technology.
Simulaad: further development of the data-hub
Maase, S., & van den Hoed, R. (2020). Simulaad: further development of the data-hub: WP1 results. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Data-sharing and data-hub
Maase, S., & van den Hoed, R. (2020). Data-sharing and data-hub. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
van den Hoed, R., Maase, S., Helmus, J., Wolbertus, R., el Bouhassani, Y., Dam, J., Tamis, M., & Jablonska, B. (2019). E-mobility: getting smart with data. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
EV Charging Data Management, five issues to solve
Maase, S. J. F. M., & van den Hoed, R. (2019). EV Charging Data Management, five issues to solve. Paper presented at International Electric Vehicle Symposium 32, Lyon, France.
Performance of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Development of an Assessment Platform Based on Charging Data
Maase, S., Dilrosun, X., Kooi, M., & van den Hoed, R. (2018). Performance of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Development of an Assessment Platform Based on Charging Data. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 9(2), Article 25. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj9020025
EV Charging performance
Maase, S., & Helmus, J. (2018, Apr 16). EV Charging performance: A dashboard to support.
Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur in 4 Niederländischen Groβstädten
Maase, S. (2018). Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur in 4 Niederländischen Groβstädten. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Modes of fast charging
Wolbertus, R., Helmus, J., Maase, S. J. F. M., & van den Hoed, R. (2018). Modes of fast charging: rolling out fast chargers in cities and along corridors to meet the heterogeneity of needs among EV drivers. Paper presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 31, Kobe, Japan.
Modes of fast charging
Wolbertus, R., Helmus, J., Maase, S. J. F. M., & Van Den Hoed, R. (2018). Modes of fast charging: Rolling out fast chargers in cities and along corridors to meet the heterogeneity of needs among EV drivers. Paper presented at 31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2018 and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018, EVTeC 2018, Kobe City, Japan.
Performance of EV Charging Infrastructure
Maase, S., Dilrosun, X., Kooi, M., & van den Hoed, R. (2017). Performance of EV Charging Infrastructure.
Performance of EV Charging Infrastructure
Maase, S. J. F. M., Dilrosun, X. F., Kooi, M. J. W., & van den Hoed, R. (2017). Performance of EV Charging Infrastructure: a decision support tool based on charging data. Paper presented at 30th International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany.
Average kWh per RFID per session in the G4 and MRA-E
Maase, S., & Dilrosun, X. (2016). Average kWh per RFID per session in the G4 and MRA-E. (V3.0 ed.) HVA Publicaties.
Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization
Wolbertus, R., van den Hoed, R., & Maase, S. (2016). Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 8(4), 748-765.
Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization
Wolbertus, R., Van Den Hoed, R., & Maase, S. (2016). Benchmarking charging infrastructure utilization. In EVS 2016 � 29th International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS 2016 - 29th International Electric Vehicle Symposium). Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition.
Maandelijkse monitoringrapportages voor gemeenten over het gebruik van de openbare laadpalen in de G4 en MRA-e op basis van de meest recente laaddata
Maase, S. J. F. M. (2016). Maandelijkse monitoringrapportages voor gemeenten over het gebruik van de openbare laadpalen in de G4 en MRA-e op basis van de meest recente laaddata. Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.
Utilization of public charging infrastructure
van den Hoed, R., & Maase, S. (2015). Utilization of public charging infrastructure: benchmark of 4 major cities and metropolitan area in the Netherlands. Paper presented at European Battery, Hybrid & Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress, Brussels, Belgium.
Factors that inhibit partnering for social start-up enterprises
Maase, S. J. F. M., & Bossink, B. A. G. (2010). Factors that inhibit partnering for social start-up enterprises. Journal of Enterprising Communities, 4(1), 68-84. https://doi.org/10.1108/17506201011029519