A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
dr. A. el Makhloufi (Abdel)
Docent-onderzoeker Mainport LogistiekDr. Abdel El Makhloufi is onderzoeker Mainport Logisitiek bij het lectoraat Logistiek van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. A. El Makhloufi is gepromoveerd in de economie (regionale en stedelijke economie) aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). Sinds zijn promotie is hij als Onderzoeker en/of Universitair Docent bij verschillende universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen werkzaam geweest, o.a. TNO, Utrecht Universiteit (USE) en Vrije Universiteit.
Dr. Abdel El Makhloufi heeft in zowel nationale als internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften gepubliceerd. Hieronder een kort overzicht van zijn laatste publicaties:
- Makhloufi, El A and Davids, K (2013): Lucht, Geld en Ruimte: Hoe de luchthaven Schiphol de regio veranderde, in Bosma, K et al (eds.): Schiphol megastructuur: Ontwerp in spectaculaire eenvoud. Nai Publishers, Rotterdam (Engels versie: Sky, Money and Space: how Schiphol airport changed the region, in Megastructure Schiphol: Design in Spectacular Simplicity. Nai Publishers, Rotterdam). ISBN: 978-90-5662-852-9
- Makhloufi, El A & Bosma, K (2012): De ruimtelijke metamorfose van Schiphol: Van polderdorp tot nevelstad, in Taverne, E and Klerk, L. de (eds.): ‘Nederland Stedenland: Continuïteit en vernieuwing’. NAi010 Publishers. Rotterdam.
- Makhloufi, El A (2012): Spatial-Economic Metamorphosis of a Nebula City: Schiphol and the Schiphol Region During the 20th Century. Routledge Studies in Human Geography, London, 2012 (Publicatie Hardback, 17 december 2012).
- Makhloufi, El A (2012): Spatial-Economic Metamorphosis of a Nebula City: Schiphol and the Schiphol Region During the 20th Century. Routledge Studies in Human Geography, London, 2012 (Publicatie Paperback, 4 maart 2015).
- Makhloufi, El A, Kaal, H (2011): From airfield to airport: an institutionalist-historical approach to the early development of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, 1916-1940, Journal of Urban History, 37: 497-518.
- Makhloufi, El A, Bosma, K; Burgers, I; Davids, K & Mare, H (2009): De Schiphol-regio als ‘Nevelstad’: Een nieuwe benadering van stedelijke transformatie in de late twintigste eeuw, in Stadsgeschiedenis, vol. 4, no. 2, 165-190
Navigating Mexico’s Interoceanic Corridor
El Makhloufi, A., & Mujica Mota, M. (2024). Navigating Mexico’s Interoceanic Corridor: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities via Simulation Modeling. In I. Flores de la Mota, & M. Mujica Mota (Eds.), Multilog Conference 2024: Multimodal Transport and Deglobalization Trends Conference proceedings: June 6 - 7 Universidad del Mar, Huatulco, Oaxaca, México (pp. 60-68). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
AI Application in Transport and Logistics
El Makhloufi, A. (2023). AI Application in Transport and Logistics: Opportunities and Challenges (An Exploratory Study). (2023 ed.) CoE City Net Zero, Faculty of Technology, Amsterdam Univeristy of Applied Sciences.
X-TEAM D2D Project: Designing and Validating a Concept of Operations for Door-To-Door Multimodal Transport
Di Vito, V., Valentino Montaquila, R., Cerasuolo, G., Dziugieł , B., Maczka, M., Mazur, A., Meincke, P. A., Naser, F., Mujica Mota, M., Bagamanova, M., el Makhloufi, A., Duca, G., Russo, R., Brucculeri, L., & Proietti, S. (2023). X-TEAM D2D Project: Designing and Validating a Concept of Operations for Door-To-Door Multimodal Transport. Sustainability, 15(3), Article 2380. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15032380
Integrating ATM and air transport into multimodal transport system for door-to-door travel
Di Vito, V., Dziugiel, B., Meincke, P. A., Mujica Mota, M., Bagamanova, M., Duca, G., Russo, R., Montaquila, R. V., Cerasuolo, G., Maczka, M., Mazur, A., Naser, F., el Makhloufi, A., & Proietti, S. (2023). Integrating ATM and air transport into multimodal transport system for door-to-door travel: the X-TEAM D2D project proposed approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526, Article 012097. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2526/1/012097
Evaluation and assessment framework for FTMAAS Living Lab
el Makhloufi, A. (2022). Evaluation and assessment framework for FTMAAS Living Lab: development and application. CoE City Net Zero, Faculty of Technology, Amsterdam Univeristy of Applied Sciences.
An outline of a concept of operations for integration of ATM and air transport into multimodal transport system for door-to-door travel
Di Vito, V., Valentino Montaquila, R., Cerasuolo, G., Dziugiel, B., MacZka, M., Mazur, A., Meincke, P. A., Naser, F., Mota, M. M., Bagamanova, M., El Makhloufi, A., Duca, G., Russo, R., Sangermano, V., Brucculeri, L., & Proietti, S. (2022). An outline of a concept of operations for integration of ATM and air transport into multimodal transport system for door-to-door travel. In 2022 Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Conference, ICNS 2022 (Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference, ICNS; Vol. 2022-April). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICNS54818.2022.9771506
Impact of COVID-19 on the Dutch Flower Trade-Logistics Node
Levelt, M., & El Makhloufi, A. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on the Dutch Flower Trade-Logistics Node. In S. D. Brunn, & D. Gilbreath (Eds.), COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies (Vol. 1, pp. 1467-1485). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94350-9_80
Extended ATM for Seamless Travel (X-TEAM D2D)
Bagamanova, M., el Makhloufi, A., Mujica Mota, M., Di Vito, V., Valentino Montaquila, R., Cerasuolo, G., Dziugieł, B., Maczka, M., Meincke, P. A., Duca, G., Russo, R., Sangermano, V., Ciaburri, M., Giovannini, S., Brucculeri, L., & Enei, R. (2021). Extended ATM for Seamless Travel (X-TEAM D2D). 189-195. Paper presented at SIMS EUROSIM 2021.
From XXS to XXL: Towards a typology of distribution centre facilities
Onstein, A. T. C., Bharadwaj, I., Tavasszy, L. A., van Damme, D. A., & el Makhloufi, A. (2021). From XXS to XXL: Towards a typology of distribution centre facilities. Journal of Transport Geography, 94, 1-11. Article 103128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103128
Integrated Multimodal Airport Operations for Efficient Passenger Flow Management
Mujica Mota, M. A., el Makhloufi, A., Schultz, M., Scala, P. M., & Jimenez, E. (2020). Integrated Multimodal Airport Operations for Efficient Passenger Flow Management. Poster session presented at SESAR INNOVATION DAYS 2020 (virtual event).
Sail with the tide
El Makhloufi, A. (2020). Sail with the tide: COVID-19 impact on global economy, logistics supply chains, and ports & shipping industry. In Y. Tae Chang, & M. Luo (Eds.), Impact of COVID-19 on maritime industry: global shipping think tank alliance (pp. 8-28). GSTTA.
X-Team D2D Extended ATM for Door-to-Door Travel
DiVito, V., Dziugieł , B., Classen, A., Mujica Mota, M., el Makhloufi, A., Bagamanova, M., Ciaburri, M., Duca, G., Brucculeri , L., & Proietti , S. (2020). X-Team D2D Extended ATM for Door-to-Door Travel. Poster session presented at SESAR INNOVATION DAYS 2020 (virtual event).
On the logistics of cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire: Simulation-based analysis
Mujica Mota, M., El Makhloufi, A., & Scala, P. (2019). On the logistics of cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire: Simulation-based analysis. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137, Article 106034. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2019.106034
Port governance revisited: How to govern and for what purpose?
Zhang, Q., Zheng, S., Geerlings, H., & El Makhloufi, A. (2019). Port governance revisited: How to govern and for what purpose? Transport Policy, 77, 46-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2019.03.001
Competitiveness of Schiphol Airport as European HUB in the Cut Flower Supply-chain
El Makhloufi, A., & Wellens, A. (2019). Competitiveness of Schiphol Airport as European HUB in the Cut Flower Supply-chain. In A. G. Wellens, & C. A. Zúñiga Alcaraz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2019 MULTILOG Conference: Challenges and Innovative Solutions for Multimodality in Global Transport Networks (pp. 138-147). Facultad de Ingeniería - UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
Connecting traffic management and freight transport for sustainable logistics and supply chains: The case of ITSLOG and SAILOR projects in Amsterdam
El Makhloufi, A., Ploos van Amstel, W., Dugundji, E. R., & Spoelstra, J. (2019). Connecting traffic management and freight transport for sustainable logistics and supply chains: The case of ITSLOG and SAILOR projects in Amsterdam. Paper presented at 13th ITS European Congress, Brainport, the Netherlands, 3-6 June 2019, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
From Full Freighters to Belly Cargo Aircraft: Stochastic Analysis of Alternatives for Freight in Schiphol Airport
Mujica Mota, M., El Makhloufi, A., & Romero , R. (2019). From Full Freighters to Belly Cargo Aircraft: Stochastic Analysis of Alternatives for Freight in Schiphol Airport. In P. C.-S. Lu, D. T. L. Yip, & D. D. Yang (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2019 : Beyond Breakthroughs, Above Excellence (pp. 186-195). The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
More than just chocolate
Mujica Mota, M., El Makhloufi, A., De Bock, N., & Scala, P. (2018). More than just chocolate: supply chain model of production of cocoa crops in Côte d' Ivoire. Paper presented at THE European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, Budapest, Hungary.
Towards a sustainable agro-logistics in developing countries
el Makhloufi, A., Mujica Mota, M., van Damme, D., & Langenberg, V. (2018). Towards a sustainable agro-logistics in developing countries: the case of cocoa's supply chain in San Pedro Region/Cote d'Ivore. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Technology.
From Full Freighters to Belly Cargo Aircraft: Stochastic Analysis of Alternatives for Freight at Schiphol Airport
Mujica Mota, M., El Makhloufi, A., & Romero, R. (2018). From Full Freighters to Belly Cargo Aircraft: Stochastic Analysis of Alternatives for Freight at Schiphol Airport. Paper presented at The 22nd Air Transport Research Society World Conference, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
Who governs and what is governed in port governance: A review study
Zhang, Q., Geerlings, H., El Makhloufi, A., & Chen, S. (2018). Who governs and what is governed in port governance: A review study. Transport Policy, 64, 51-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2018.01.019
Decarbonizing the international shipping industry
Wan, Z., el Makhloufi, A., Chen, Y., & Tang, J. (2018). Decarbonizing the international shipping industry: solutions and policy recommendations. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 126(January), 428-435. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.11.064
More Than Just Chocolate: Supply Chain Model of Production of Cocoa Crops in Côte d'Ivoire
Mujica Mota, M., El Makhloufi, A., De Bock, N., & Scala, P. (2018). More Than Just Chocolate: Supply Chain Model of Production of Cocoa Crops in Côte d'Ivoire. Paper presented at Simulation in Practice, Amsterdam, Netherlands. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326901685_MORE_THAN_JUST_CHOCOLATE_SUPPLY_CHAIN_MODEL_OF_PRODUCTION_OF_COCOA_CROPS_IN_COTE_D'IVOIRE
Schiphol als ‘preferred flower’ hub van Europa
el Makhloufi, A., Smulder, R., Beetsma, K., Hoenderdos, J., van Ruiten, T., & Shukur, Y. (2018). Schiphol als ‘preferred flower’ hub van Europa. Logistiek +: Tijdschrift Voor Toegepaste Logistiek, 2018(6), 89-106. Article 6.
Is there enough capacity?
Mujica Mota, M., el Makhloufi, A., & Hernández, P. G. (2017). Is there enough capacity? stochastic analysis of the trasition from full freighters to belly cargo of KLM. Paper presented at European Transport Conference Barcelona.
Downsizing the air freighter
Mujica Mota, M., el Makhloufi, A., & Hernández, P. G. (2017). Downsizing the air freighter: simulation-based study of KLM cargo in Schiphol Airport. Paper presented at THE EUROPEAN MODELING AND SIMULATION SYMPOSIUM, Budapest, Hungary.
Four routes to better maritime governance
Wan, Z., Chen, J., El Makhloufi, A., Sperling, D., & Chen, Y. (2016). Four routes to better maritime governance. NATURE, 540, 27-29. https://doi.org/10.1038/540027a
De toekomst van de Rotterdamse haven wordt bepaald in de regio
el Makhloufi, A., & van Damme, D. (2016). De toekomst van de Rotterdamse haven wordt bepaald in de regio. Logistiek +: Tijdschrift Voor Toegepaste Logistiek, 2016(2), 43-53.
Voorbij 'mainports voorbij'
van Damme, D., Boosten, G., & el Makhloufi, A. (2016). Voorbij 'mainports voorbij'. Mimeo SML/HvA. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.28968.57605
Ligt de toekomst van Schiphol in Dubai?
el Makhloufi, A., & Onstein, S. (2016). Ligt de toekomst van Schiphol in Dubai? OVer de opkomst van Dubai als mega hub en hoe samenwerking met deze luchthaven de concurrentiepositie van Schiphol kan versterken. Logistiek +: Tijdschrift Voor Toegepaste Logistiek, 2016(1), 103-107.
Ligt de toekomst van Schiphol in Dubai?
el Makhloufi, A., & Onstein, S. (2015). Ligt de toekomst van Schiphol in Dubai? over de opkomst van Dubai als mega hub en hoe samenwerking met deze luchthaven de concurrentiepositie van Schiphol kan versterken. Web publication or website, Ruimtevolk. https://ruimtevolk.nl/2015/11/16/ligt-de-toekomst-van-schiphol-in-dubai/
Air, Money and Space
el Makhloufi, A., & Davids, K. (2013). Air, Money and Space: how Schiphol Airport changed the region. In K. Bosma (Ed.), Megastructure Schiphol: design in spectacular simplicity nai010. https://www.naibooksellers.nl/megastructure-schiphol-design-in-spectacular-simplicity.html?___store=english&___from_store=default
Spatial-economic metamorphosis of a Nebula City
EL Makhloufi, A. (2013). Spatial-economic metamorphosis of a Nebula City: Schiphol and the Schiphol region during the 20th century . (Routledge studies in human geograph; No. 40). Routledge. http://www.tandfebooks.com/doi/10.4324/9780203084397
De ruimtelijke metamorfose van Schiphol
El Makhloufi, A., & Bosma, K. (2012). De ruimtelijke metamorfose van Schiphol: Van polderdorp naar nevelstad. In E. Taverne, L. de Klerk, B. Ramakers, & S. Dembski (Eds.), Nederland Stedenland: continuïteit en vernieuwing (pp. 124-137). nai010. https://www.naibooksellers.nl/nederland-stedenland-continuiteit-en-vernieuwing.html
From Airfield to Airport: An Institutionalist-Historical Approach to the Early Development of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, 1916-1940
El Makhloufi, A., & Kaal, H. (2011). From Airfield to Airport: An Institutionalist-Historical Approach to the Early Development of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, 1916-1940. Journal of Urban History, 37(4), 497-518. https://doi.org/10.1177/0096144211403083
De Schiphol-regio als 'nevelstad'
el Makhloufi, A., Bosma, K., Burgers, I., Davids, K., & de Mare, H. (2009). De Schiphol-regio als 'nevelstad': een nieuwe benadering van stedelijke transformaties in de late twintigste eeuw. Stadsgeschiedenis, 4(2), 165-190. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268519330_De_Schiphol-regio_als_%27nevelstad%27_Een_nieuwe_benadering_van_stedelijke_transformaties_in_de_late_twintigste_eeuw
Dynamic Externalities, Local Industrial Structure and Economic Development: Panel Data Evidence for Morocco
Bun, M. J. G., & El Makhloufi, A. (2007). Dynamic Externalities, Local Industrial Structure and Economic Development: Panel Data Evidence for Morocco. Regional Studies, 41(6), 823-837. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400601142787
Exports and Productivity: Moroccan Manufacturing 1985-1995
Bun, M. J. G., & el Makhloufi, A. (2006). Exports and Productivity: Moroccan Manufacturing 1985-1995. Journal of economic and social geography, 97(2), 157-165. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9663.2006.00509.x