A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
L.E. de Koning (Lisanne)
Physical fitness in children with Marfan and Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Warnink-Kavelaars, J., de Koning, L. E., van der Hulst, A. E., Buizer, A. I., Poissonnier, N., Wijninga, L. E., Menke, L. A., Mosquera, L. M., Rombaut, L., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2024). Physical fitness in children with Marfan and Loeys-Dietz syndrome: associations between cardiovascular parameters, systemic manifestations, fatigue, and pain. European Journal of Pediatrics, 183(5), 2421-2429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00431-024-05456-z
Partnerschap met ouders in de ontwikkeling van kinderen met een motorische achterstand
de Koning, L., Moll, K., L'abée, D., van Dijk, K., Kevenaar, J., & Janssen, M. (2024). Partnerschap met ouders in de ontwikkeling van kinderen met een motorische achterstand. Poster session presented at Dag van het Sportonderzoek 2024, Vlissingen.
Somatic symptoms, pain, catastrophizing and the association with disability among children with heritable connective tissue disorders
de Koning, L. E., Warnink-Kavelaars, J., van Rossum, M. A., Bosman, D., Menke, L. A., Malfait, F., de Boer, R., Oosterlaan, J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Rombaut, L. (2023). Somatic symptoms, pain, catastrophizing and the association with disability among children with heritable connective tissue disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 191(7), 1792-1803. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajmg.a.63204
An exploratory study of clinical characteristics and gait features of adolescents with hypermobility disorders
de Koning, L. E., Scheper, M. C., Ploeger, H. E., Warnink-Kavelaars, J., Oosterlaan, J., Bus, S. A., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2023). An exploratory study of clinical characteristics and gait features of adolescents with hypermobility disorders. Gait & Posture, 100, 222-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2023.01.001
Physical activity and physical fitness in children with heritable connective tissue disorders
de Koning, L., Warnink-Kavelaars, J., van Rossum, M., Limmen, S., Van der Looven, R., Muiño-Mosquera, L., van der Hulst, A., Oosterlaan, J., Rombaut, L., & Engelbert, R. (2023). Physical activity and physical fitness in children with heritable connective tissue disorders. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 11, Article 1057070. https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2023.1057070
Heritable connective tissue disorders in childhood: Decreased health-related quality of life and mental health
Warnink-Kavelaars, J., de Koning, L. E., Rombaut, L., Menke, L. A., Alsem, M. W., van Oers, H. A., Buizer, A. I., Engelbert, R. H. H., Oosterlaan, J., & Pediatric Heritable Connective Tissue Disorder study group (2022). Heritable connective tissue disorders in childhood: Decreased health-related quality of life and mental health. American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A, 188(7), 2096-2109. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajmg.a.62750
Heritable connective tissue disorders in childhood
Warnink-Kavelaars, J., de Koning, L. E., Rombaut, L., Alsem, M. W., Menke, L. A., Oosterlaan, J., Buizer, A. I., Engelbert, R. H. H., & On Behalf Of The Pediatric Heritable Connective Tissue Disorders Study Group (2021). Heritable connective tissue disorders in childhood: increased fatigue, pain, disability and decreased general health. Genes, 12(6). https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12060831
Marfan syndrome in adolescence: adolescents' perspectives on (physical) functioning, disability, contextual factors and support needs
Warnink-Kavelaars, J., Beelen, A., Goedhart, T. M. H. J., de Koning, L. E., Nollet, F., Alsem, M. W., Menke, L. A., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2019). Marfan syndrome in adolescence: adolescents' perspectives on (physical) functioning, disability, contextual factors and support needs. European Journal of Pediatrics, 178, 1883-1892. https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs00431-019-03469-7
Children and adolescents with Marfan Syndrome
de Koning, L., Warnink, J., Scheper, M., de Vries, J., Menke, L., Rombaut, L., & Engelbert, R. (2019). Children and adolescents with Marfan Syndrome: lessons learned from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders regarding chronic pain and fatigue. Poster session presented at European Pediatric Physiotherapy Congress, Utrecht, Netherlands.