A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
L.E.D. Divito (Lori)
Lector Collaborative Innovation and EntrepreneurshipLori DiVito joined the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in 2007 as a lecturer and completed her PhD at University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School in 2010. Her research interests focus on understanding the dynamics of multistakeholder collaboration and inter-organizational relations, including their formation, governance and internationalization,
in the context of innovation and sustainability. Her recent projects focus on longitudinal studies in the textile and fashion industry. The Alliance for Responsible Denim (ARD) project aimed to understand how competitors collaborate together to improve sustainability impact.
Her current project Collaborative Networks for Sustainability (CONESU) investigates the role of orchestration in the value creation and capture of multi-stakeholder initiatives.
She has published her work in international peer-reviewed journals including Business & Society, Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, Long Range Planning and Small Business Economics. She presents her work at various academic conferences in Europe and the USA. She also has extensive work experience in strategy and marketing for multinational firms.
At AMSIB, Dr. DiVito teaches courses on sustainable entrepreneurship, circular economy and organizing for sustainability transitions. She holds a BA from San Francisco State University, an MBA from Webster University, Leiden, in The Netherlands, and a PhD in Organisational Studies from Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK. She is a member of the Academy of Management (AOM), European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) and the Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID) Society.
Sustainability performance of Dutch firms and the role of digitalization: The case of textile and apparel industry
Tolentino-Zondervan, F., & DiVito, L. (2024). Sustainability performance of Dutch firms and the role of digitalization: The case of textile and apparel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 459, Article 142573. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142573
Kuyichi: Crafting a Circular Business Model for Jeans (Teaching Case)
Ingen-Housz, Z., Lam, T., & DiVito, L. (2024). Kuyichi: Crafting a Circular Business Model for Jeans (Teaching Case). Web publication or website, The Case Centre. https://casecent.re/p/195411
Ensuring equal voice at a tilted table? An explorative study among partnership conveners about their role and practices in addressing power dynamics
van Hille, I., DiVito, L., & van Wijk, J. (2024). Ensuring equal voice at a tilted table? An explorative study among partnership conveners about their role and practices in addressing power dynamics. Abstract from Cross-sector Social Interactions (CSSI) Symposium 2024:, Cape Town, South Africa.
Kuyichi Teaching Case: Crafting a Circular Resale Business Model
Divito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Kuyichi Teaching Case: Crafting a Circular Resale Business Model. Abstract from 10TH RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Lissabon, Portugal.
Circular ecosystems intermediation
Divito, L., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Circular ecosystems intermediation: the transition to circular textiles and fashion. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.12192abstract
Circular Moonshot: Understanding Shifts in Organizational Field Logics and Business Model Innovation
DiVito, L., Leitheiser, E., & Piller, C. (2023). Circular Moonshot: Understanding Shifts in Organizational Field Logics and Business Model Innovation. Organization & Environment, 36(2), 349-377. https://doi.org/10.1177/10860266221111587
Intermediating circular startups in ecosystems: a case study of circular textiles and apparel
Divito, L., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Intermediating circular startups in ecosystems: a case study of circular textiles and apparel. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Changemakers: a pedagogical approach for action-oriented, experiential learning to empower voice, agency and leadership
DiVito, L., van Wijk, J., & van Eeuwijk, J. (2023). Changemakers: a pedagogical approach for action-oriented, experiential learning to empower voice, agency and leadership. Abstract from 10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
Lisbon, Portugal
, Lisbon, Portugal. -
Optimizing Portfolio Selection Strategy for Purchasing and Supply in Healthcare Considering Circular Economy Principles - Case: Isolation Gowns
Ghasemi, A., DiVito, L., Ingen-Housz, Z., & Torabi, S. A. (2023). Optimizing Portfolio Selection Strategy for Purchasing and Supply in Healthcare Considering Circular Economy Principles - Case: Isolation Gowns. SSRN - Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4320927
Out of sight, out of mind: effects of management attention on strategic SDG integration in Dutch SMEs
DiVito, L., & Timmermans, A. (2023). Out of sight, out of mind: effects of management attention on strategic SDG integration in Dutch SMEs. Abstract from 10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
Lisbon, Portugal
, Lisbon, Portugal. -
Re-enacting a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the tea sector: a role play
van Hille, I., Ingen-Housz, Z. M. P., van Wijk, J. J., & Divito, L. E. D. (2023). Re-enacting a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the tea sector: a role play. Abstract from 10TH RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Lissabon, Portugal.
Resource Orchestration and Opportunity Beliefs in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainability
Martina, R., Wakkee, I., & Divito De Paauw, L. (2022). Resource Orchestration and Opportunity Beliefs in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainability. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings Article 16260 Academy of Management. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.16260abstract
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
Divito, L., Good, J., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., Lam, T., Martina, R., & Wakkee, I. (2022). Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability. Paper presented at DRUID22, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Collaborative organizing for grand challenges
Divito, L. (2022). Collaborative organizing for grand challenges : engaging in collaborative innovation and entrepreneurship. Eburon Academic Publishers.
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
DiVito, L., Good, J., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., Lam, T., Martina, R., & Wakkee, I. (2022). Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.13154abstract
Appropriating relational value from collaborative networks for sustainability
Divito, L., Good, J., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., Lam, T., Martina, R., & Wakkee, I. (2022). Appropriating relational value from collaborative networks for sustainability. In S. Taneja (Ed.), Academy of Management proceedings (1 ed., Vol. 2022, pp. 13154). Academy of Management. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.13154abstract
CIE Conference 2022 Videos
Divito, L., & van Wijk, J. (2022). CIE Conference 2022 Videos. Digital or Visual Products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2soAYFVNfTM&t=6s
Circular Economy Ecosystem Coordination
DiVito, L., & Lubberink, R. (2022). Circular Economy Ecosystem Coordination: A comparative study of two sectoral cases. In L. Michelini, A. Minà, & P. Alaimo Di Loro (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Business Models: Sustainable Business Model Challenges: Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation (pp. 149-154). LUMSA University.
Circular moonshot
Divito, L. E. D., Leitheiser, E., & Piller, C. (2022). Circular moonshot: understanding field logic shifts and the influence of business models for sustainability on field change. In L. Michelini, A. Minà, & P. Alaimo Di Loro (Eds.), Sustainable business model challenges: Economic recovery and digital transformation: conference proceedings (pp. 265-280). LUMSA University.
Circular moonshots
Divito De Paauw, L., Leitheiser, E., & Piller, C. (2022). Circular moonshots: the influence of business models for sustainability on field change. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 13141. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.13141abstract
Achieving greater sustainability impact from cross-sector collaborations
Divito, L. (2021). Achieving greater sustainability impact from cross-sector collaborations. Web publication or website, Business & Society. https://businessandsociety.org/cross-sector-collaborations/
A circular moonshot
DiVito, L., Erin Leitheiser, & Piller, C. (2021). A circular moonshot: understanding field logic shifts and the influence of business models for sustainability on field change. Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. https://conference.druid.dk/acc_papers/93iji9o57xteqomezccjlv3c63qq4f.pdf
Unpacking value creation and value capture in collaborative networks for sustainability
Divito, L., & Good, J. (2021). Unpacking value creation and value capture in collaborative networks for sustainability. Paper presented at ISIRC 2021, 13th International Social Innovation Research Conference
“Enabling the change! Social innovation and enterprises for a better future”, Milan, Italy. -
Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry
DiVito, L., Good, J., Lam, T., & van Wijk, J. (2021). Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry. 1-25. Paper presented at ISIRC 2021, 13th International Social Innovation Research Conference Enabling the change! Social innovation and enterprises for a better future, Milan, Italy.
Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry
DiVito, L., Good, J. E., Lam, T., & van Wijk, J. (2021). Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative in the apparel industry. Paper presented at 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021
Organizing for an Inclusive Society: Meanings, Motivations & Mechanisms, Amsterdam, Netherlands. https://www.egos.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1610525130808&subtheme_id=1574433575631&show_prog=yes -
Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry
DiVito, L., van Wijk, J., & Wakkee, I. (2021). Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry. Business & Society, 60(5), 1092-1131. https://doi.org/10.1177/0007650320930657
From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems
DiVito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2021). From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems. Small Business Economics, An Entrepreneurship Journal, 56, 1057-1072. https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs11187-019-00254-6
Adopting zero-waste indigo dyeing production
Divito, L., Lam, T., & O'Rourke, C. (2020). Adopting zero-waste indigo dyeing production: strategies for the Chinese market. Web publication or website, The Case Centre. https://www.thecasecentre.org/educators/products/view?id=169455
Productive opportunities, uncertainty, and science-based firm emergence
Miozzo, M., & DiVito, L. (2020). Productive opportunities, uncertainty, and science-based firm emergence. Small Business Economics, An Entrepreneurship Journal, 54(2), 539-560. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-018-0033-5
Strategies of multilateral coopetition for sustainability
Divito, L., & Sharma, G. (2019). Strategies of multilateral coopetition for sustainability: experienced tensions and coopetition capabilities. Unpublished. https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.15049abstract
Strategies of multilateral coopetition: Experienced tensions and coopetition capabilities
Divito, L., & Sharma, G. (2019). Strategies of multilateral coopetition: Experienced tensions and coopetition capabilities. Paper presented at DRUID19, Copenhagen, Denmark.
From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems
Divito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2019). From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems. Paper presented at Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research, Utrecht, Netherlands. https://pure.hva.nl/ws/files/6686003/DiVito_Ingen_Housz_SBE_Accepted_version.pdf?_ga=2.208110418.1506783544.1594889551-1881024810.1526455809
Motivations and entrepreneurial orientation of sustainable entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of sustainable entrepreneurship archetypes in the fashion industry
Bohnsack, R., & Divito, L. (2019). Motivations and entrepreneurial orientation of sustainable entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of sustainable entrepreneurship archetypes in the fashion industry. In A. Lindgreen, F. Maon, C. Vallaster, S. Yousafzai, & B. Palacios Florencio (Eds.), Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Discovering, Creating And Seizing Opportunities For Blended Value Generation (pp. 24-38). Routledge.
Collaborative Research With Practitioners: Research Journeys & Methodological Innovations
Sharma, G., Rynes, S. L., Bertels, S., Carlsen, A., & Divito De Paauw , L. (2018). Collaborative Research With Practitioners: Research Journeys & Methodological Innovations. Abstract from 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , Chicago, United States. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.16100symposium
The Role of Coopetition on Innovation, Value Creation and Value Capture
DiVito, L., Garima Sharma, Sea Matilda Bez, Devi Gnyawali, & Jorge Rivera (2018). The Role of Coopetition on Innovation, Value Creation and Value Capture. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (1 ed., Vol. 2018). Article 15630 https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.15630symposium
Collaborating with competitors ... 5 tips to managing competition in multi-stakeholder collaborations
DiVito, L. (2017). Collaborating with competitors ... 5 tips to managing competition in multi-stakeholder collaborations. Web publication or website https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/collaborating-competitors-5-tips-managing-competition-lori-divito/
Sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem emergence and development
DiVito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2017). Sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem emergence and development: a case study of Amsterdam Denim City. (Working paper series). CEDIS, Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics and International Strategy.
Entrepreneurial orientation and its effect on sustainability decision tradeoffs
DiVito, L., & Bohnsack, R. (2017). Entrepreneurial orientation and its effect on sustainability decision tradeoffs: the case of sustainable fashion firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 32(5), 569-587. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2017.05.002
Growing fast or slow?
Miozzo, M., & DiVito, L. (2016). Growing fast or slow? understanding the variety of paths and the speed of early growth of entrepreneurial science-based firms. Research policy, 45(5), 964-986. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2016.01.011
When do acquirers invest in the R&D assets of acquired science-based firms in cross-border acquisitions?
Miozzo, M., DiVito, L., & Desyllas, P. (2016). When do acquirers invest in the R&D assets of acquired science-based firms in cross-border acquisitions? the role of technology and capabilities similarity and complementarity. Long range planning, 49(2), 221-240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2015.07.002
Entrepreneurial orientations and their impact on trade-off decisions in sustainability
DiVito, L., & Bohnsack, R. (2016). Entrepreneurial orientations and their impact on trade-off decisions in sustainability: the case of sustainable fashion entrepreneurs. Amsterdam School of International Business, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3595.0483
Alliance for Responsible Denim web site
Vastenouw, W. N., Rice, T. (Ed.), & DiVito, L. E. D. (2016). Alliance for Responsible Denim web site. Web publication or website https://www.denimalliance.org/
Assess your competitor collaboration to advance sustainability
DiVito, L., & Garima, S. (2016). Assess your competitor collaboration to advance sustainability: an assessment tool. Network for Business Sustainability. http://nbs.net/wp-content/uploads/160907-Competitor-Collaboration-Assessment-Tool-Digital.pdf
Collaborating with competitors to advance sustainability
DiVito, L., & Sharma, G. (2016). Collaborating with competitors to advance sustainability: a guide for managers. Network for Business Sustainability.
Local-global knowledge sourcing in the context of an open innovation knowledge platform
DiVito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2016). Local-global knowledge sourcing in the context of an open innovation knowledge platform: the case of Amsterdam Denim City. Paper presented at Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Graz, Austria.
Internationalization and the Dutch fashion industry
Divito, L., & van Winden, W. (Eds.) (2014). Internationalization and the Dutch fashion industry: an investigation of inward and outward internationalization. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Institutional entrepreneurship in constructing alternative paths
DiVito, L. (2012). Institutional entrepreneurship in constructing alternative paths: A comparison of biotech hybrids. Research policy, 41(5), 884-896. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2012.02.002
A Grand Entrance? Li Ning’s Emergence as a Global, Chinese Brand
Meuer, J., Divito, L. E. D., Krugman, B., & Yue, T. (2010). A Grand Entrance? Li Ning’s Emergence as a Global, Chinese Brand. In M. D. F. (Ed.), AESE 32 Anos a Ensinar com Casos Edições AESE, Lisboa - Portugal.
- Modelling Dynamic Lifecycle Impacts of Circular Procurement in Healthcare (MODLI)
- Alliance for Responsible Denim
- Alliance for Responsible Denim
- The Alliance for Responsible Denim
- Horizontal Alliances
- Horizontal Alliances
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research Platform