A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
V. Cabral (Victor)
Victor Cabral joined the Amsterdam School of International Business in September 2012 as a lecturer of Marketing Management and Management and Organisation. In addition to lecturing, Mr Cabral also acts as a coach for the Y Co-Creative Enterprise project and Personal Development. He has always been very interested in learning from and working with friendly people in a truly international environment. AMSIB perfectly combines these elements for him.
Business profile
Before joining the Amsterdam School of International Business, Mr Cabral worked as an international recruiter of students while teaching Spanish on the side. His recruitment responsibilities were focused on Eastern Europe and Asia. Before entering the industry of education he worked at several marketing departments of different companies, including GfK and Nuon, amongst others.
Educational profile
Mr Cabral finished his Executive Master’s in Business Studies at the University of Amsterdam in 2014. He studied International Business and Languages at the former HES Amsterdam.
Exploring the coworking space as an innovation intermediary: a case study in Amsterdam
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2024). Exploring the coworking space as an innovation intermediary: a case study in Amsterdam. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 14(1), 87-111. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2024.137599
The reaction of coworking spaces to the COVID-19 pandemic. A dynamic capabilities perspective
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2022). The reaction of coworking spaces to the COVID-19 pandemic. A dynamic capabilities perspective. Service Business, 16(2), 257-281. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-022-00489-6
The campus as location for firms
Cabral, V., Koops, E., Schrama, W., Switzer, A., & van Winden, W. (2022). The campus as location for firms: marketing and acquisition of knowledge intensive businesses in Amsterdam. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Coworking spaces: places that stimulate social capital for entrepreneurs
Cabral, V. (2021). Coworking spaces: places that stimulate social capital for entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 13(4), 404-424. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEV.2021.117886
The promise of coworking environments: a content analysis of the positioning of collaborative workspaces in Amsterdam
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2020). The promise of coworking environments: a content analysis of the positioning of collaborative workspaces in Amsterdam. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 40(3), 399-423. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESB.2020.107804
The promise of coworking environments
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2018). The promise of coworking environments: a content analysis of the positioning of collaborative workspaces in Amsterdam. Paper presented at EGOS 2018 Colloquium, Talinn, Estonia. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325710871_The_promise_of_coworking_environments_a_content_analysis_of_the_positioning_of_collaborative_workspaces_in_Amsterdam
Coworking: an analysis of coworking strategies for interaction and innovation
Cabral, V., & Van Winden, W. (2016). Coworking: an analysis of coworking strategies for interaction and innovation. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 7(4), 357-377. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2016.080869