A-Z Studenten Master Pedagogiek
Drs. V.F. van den Berg (Vincent)
Vincent van den Berg has been at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) since 2014. He is a lecturer and researcher at the Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB) and connected to the Centre of Economic Transformation (CET) of the AUAS.
At AMSIB, Vincent teaches courses on business research, marketing research and ethics, responsibility & sustainability. He holds a Master of Science in Communication Science from Radboud University Nijmegen and studied Mass Communication & Journalism at University of Minnesota, US. He is also a member of the AMSIB Thesis Committee.
Vincent has a passion for research on sustainability and the SDGs. In 2021, he was one of the founders of the Dutch SDG Barometer, a nationwide bi-annual research initiative monitoring the adoption and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by Dutch organizations. Currently, he is also involved in the RAAK project ‘Sustainably Sustainable’, aimed at supporting Dutch municipalities in creating interventions to bridge the attitude-behavior gap of their citizens: the gap between good intentions to act sustainably and actual behavior.
Next to his work for AMSIB, he conducts his own marketing research consultancy. He has extensive experience as a strategic research consultant in advertising research and brand strategy for various A-brand companies like DPG Media, Talpa, Philips, Volkswagen, McDonald’s, KLM, Dutch Railways, Nuon/Vattenfall, Centraal Beheer Achmea, Ziggo, FrieslandCampina. As research director at marketing communications agency DDB, he was one of the initiators of the ‘Sustainability Files’ (Dossier Duurzaam, 2008-2014), a large-scale national market research by GfK, b-open and DDB & Tribal Amsterdam about consumer attitudes towards sustainable branding, CSR and the sustainable image of brands.
His research interests include sustainability/SDG integration in organizations, sustainable brand communication and consumer behavior/scepticism.
Heading in the right direction but not fast enough?
van den Berg, V. F., Caeldries, F. A. L., Giordano, B., Kooijman, H., Minderman, M., O'Rourke, C. P., & Seclaman, A. (2024). Heading in the right direction but not fast enough? SDG Barometer 2024 | The Netherlands. Amsterdam School of International Business, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r662GsOG7qOmkIFHR6Hb0cs7C54m6O0k/view
SDG Barometer Dashboard
Nieswaag, D., Kakanis, D., Weltevreden, J., Lone, S., Veldhuis, I., O'Rourke, C., & van den Berg, V. (2024). SDG Barometer Dashboard. Digital or Visual Products, Amsterdam School of International Business, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. https://www.cmihva.nl/data-visualisaties/sdg-barometer-dashboard/
First Dutch SDG Barometer
van den Berg, V. F., & O'Rourke, C. P. (2023). First Dutch SDG Barometer. Poster session presented at Kennisparade HvA, Amsterdam.
Halfway there? SDG Barometer 2022 The Netherlands
van den Berg, V., Seclaman, A., O'Rourke, C. P., Minderman, M., & Caeldries, F. (2023, Jan). Halfway there? SDG Barometer 2022 The Netherlands: Insights on the engagement of organizations with the Sustainable Development Goals. Amsterdam School of International Business, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. https://communication.amsterdamuas.com/l/845143/2023-01-10/tv7tq8
Bedrijfsleven en financiële instellingen
van den Berg, V. F., O'Rourke, C. P., Caeldries, F. A. L., Seclaman, A., & Minderman, M. (2022). Bedrijfsleven en financiële instellingen. In Zesde nationale SDG rapportage: Nederland ontwikkelt duurzaam (pp. 34 -35). Rijksoverheid.nl.
Confront green scepticism
van den Berg, V. F., & Mulder, P. (2010). Confront green scepticism. Admap, 45(10), 25-27. Article 521.